  • 車隊咭(黑咭)

      • Mr. 先生
        Ms. 小姐
        Mrs. 女士
            • If you wish to receive the lastest promotion through email, please fill in the e-mail address.
                        • If you wish to check your transaction record through our website, please fill in the e-mail address.
                            • Petrol 電油
                              Diesel 油渣
                                • Petrol 電油
                                  Diesel 油渣
                                    • I hereby authorize Pioneer Dynamic Ltd. ("PDL") to charge my below credit card account for fuel card service provided by PDL to the applicant of this Esso Fleet Card Application Form. This authorization shall have effect until further notice. This authorization shall have effect after the expiry date of the credit card stated below.
                                            • 月份 MONTH
                                            • 年份 YEAR
                                              • Taxi 的士
                                                Mini Bus 小巴
                                                Van 輕型貨車
                                                Tractor or Truck 拖頭/貨車
                                                Private Car 私家車
                                                Motorcycle 電單車
                                                Others 其他
                                              • Self-owned 車主
                                                Others 其他
                                                  • Please upload your vehicle registration documents.
                                                  • Please upload your HKID documents.
                                                    • 註 : 如果閣下因沒有掃瞄器而無法掃瞄上載,請剔以下選項,以及把車輛號碼寫在有關文件上,然後傳真到2191 9121。
                                                      • 本人以傳真方式提交有關文件
                                                          • Please upload your vehicle registration documents.
                                                          • Please upload sole proprietor or partner HKID documents.
                                                          • Please upload your vehicle registration documents.
                                                            • 註 : 如果閣下因沒有掃瞄器而無法掃瞄上載,請剔以下選項,以及把車輛號碼寫在有關文件上,然後傳真到2191 9121。
                                                              • 本人以傳真方式提交有關文件
                                                              • I/We declare that all information on this form is true and complete. I/We authorize Pioneer Dynamic Limited (”PDL”) to confirm it from whatever source you choose. I/We understand that this application form and all submitted documents remain the properties of PDL. If my/our application is accepted by PDL. I/We agree to be bound by the terms of the PDL Credit Agreement as amended from time to time by PDL. I/We ensure the Vehicle Registration No. being listed belong(s) to my/our proprietor’s/partners’/employee’s/relatives’ and I/we shall be responsible for all transactions and agree to settle the outstanding balance of this(these) fuel card(s).
                                                                • I/We hereby declare that I/We read, acknowledge and agree the terms and conditions of the declaration of Esso fleet card. PDL and any person set out in application form to utilize such data and information for direct marketing purpose, please tick here.
                                                                  本人/ 本公司謹此聲明,本人/ 本公司已細讀、明白及同意有關鋒生埃索車隊咭的聲明條款。本人/ 本公司同意鋒生及申請表所述人士於直接促銷使用該等個人資料,請以✓表示。
                                                                • I declare that all information on this form is true and complete. I authorize you to confirm from whatever source you choose. I understand that this application form remains the property of Pioneer Dynamic Limited (”Pioneer”). If my application is accepted by Pioneer, I agree to be bound by the terms of the Discount Card Agreement as amended from time to time by Pioneer.
                                                                  • I hereby declare that I read, acknowledge and agree the terms and conditions of the declaration of Esso fleet card. PDL and any person set out in application form to utilize such data and information for direct marketing purpose, please tick here.